
Monday, June 4, 2012

Cara jitu cegah kanker serviks dengan mengkonsumsi sayuran

Konsumsi Sayuran Hijau Tua dan Kuning
                Bagi wanita yang tidak mengalami kanker serviks, langkah-langkah pencegahan adalah hal yang bijak untuk dilakukan. Beberapa langkah pencegahan antara lain dengan tidak berhubungan seksual dengan pria yang sering berganti-ganti pasangan, mencegah hubungan seksual pada usia dini, memelihara kesehatan tubuh, melakukan pap smear secara rutin, dan menghentikan kebiasaan merokok. Hal lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah memperbanyak konsumsi sayuran berwarna hijau tua dan kuning yang banyak mengandung beta karoten, vitamin C dan E, serta vaksinasi HPV yang bertujuan mencegah dan pengobatan terhadap infeksi virus.
                Tidak hanya masalah kanker, kesehatan reproduksi merupakan hal yang penting bagi setiap wanita terutama yang telah memasuki usia kematangan seksual. Organ reproduksi wanita, mulai dari vagina hingga rahim, merupakan bagian yang rentan untuk terkena berbagai macam gangguan kesehatan, katanya. Oleh karena itu, organ reproduksi wanita wajib dijaga dan dirawat dengan baik. Terganggunya kesehatan organ reproduksi wanita disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya pola makan yang kurang sehat, faktor kebersihan, dan juga faktor genetis yang dapat menjadi pemicu.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doing sport is a good habit :)

Doing sport is a good habit because make our body healthy and protect our body from diases. Specifically for all people such as children, teenager, and old people. For example we can do jogging it can make our heart health and more strong, Yoga can train our concentration more calm. For another example we can do aerobic it can train heart work, the balance of the body and destroy the fat. Quoted by a study from Dailymail, argue that someone who exercise regularly or at least 15 minutes per day it can be spared from cancer, heart disease and reduce the risk of death that someone who do not exercise. Clearly, doing sport is very important in our live because we can get more health and protect our system imune. So in doing sport we can get a lot of benefit.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Test.. test...

We are stronger. We have a lot mean, well to me that is. I mean think about it. Trust is the biggest thing in relationship. If you can trust someone who lives hundreds of miles away, that’s beautiful. Sure you don’t get to hug the person, kiss the person, wake up next to the person, but you get to talk to them, hear to them. Think about how amazing it’s going to be when you finally get to meet them. And how perfect it’s gonna be... you fight less. You laugh more they are beautiful. And I respect who is in one. We’re hard, We’re harder than a lot of thing, but we worth in the end. Why let distance ruin your feelings for someone? Feelings are feelings, loves is loves, that’s not  gonna change. I love long distance relationship for a lot of reasons, but mostly because we are beautiful.